Monday, November 29, 2010

Brew Review (Beers You Have to Try)

Franziskaner Weissbier

Straight from our friends in Munich Germany we get Franziskaner Weissbier. This heavenly hefeweizen is so delicious it will have you begging for more. First off, wheat beers are becoming increasingly popular in the U.S. probably because they're so friggin good!! Wheat beers are light in color but usually very cloudy (due to the yeast still in suspension). This beer in particular is a hefeweizen which translates literally to yeast (hefe) and wheat (weizen).

Anyway...this beer is probably one of the best wheat beers on the market today in my opinion. With the first sip from the frothy head of foam on top you immediately get hit with aromas of banana and clove. It goes down so smooth before you know it you will be done with your beer and pouring another glass of this delight. Please treat yourself to this great brew as soon as you can. But please by all means do not defile this wonderful creation by doing the unspeakable.....Putting an orange in it!! AHHHH (just don't do it, you will ruin it and I will come and whack you if you do)

Now get out and explore the beer world


  1. Mario, everyone knows the orange slice makes the beer, come on now.

  2. Man I'm gonna go get me some blue moons and oranges now that you've reminded me how good it is haaaaaa
